Nutri-Fly® Drosophila Agar


Nutri-Fly® Drosophila Agar



Our technical grade Drosophila agar (USP) is a staple ingredient in fly food. 100 mesh particle size. Lot-to-lot quality control processes assure consistency in your fly food

Gel Strength Coefficient

Agar gel strength can vary from lot to lot. Since the gel strength is noted on the label of all Nutri-Fly Drosophila agar, we strongly suggest that Drosophila media facilities seize the opportunity to use this information to ensure consistency in gelification of fly food. To do so, one must first “normalize” the food by noting the gel strength of an ideal batch. Then, use the following formula to account for varying gel strength to calculate the exact amount of agar you want to use in subsequent preparation: